a little about my approach to the work…


I started seriously studying astrology about the same time I applied to graduate school and started studying to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. Counseling and astrology are intimately linked in the way I practice. Astrology provides spiritual and psychological insights that often need the skills of a therapist to process.

My approach is to meet clients where they are, and support them in whatever journey they’re on. As a depth oriented psychotherapist and with Saturn ruling my chart, my priority is to help you find meaning and hope in the darkness, rather than turn the lights on as fast as possible. When we listen to our symptoms and our pain, we often find messages of healing. If we merely seek to escape it, we miss those gems.

I work with individuals, couples, and families using the language of astrology to map out interpersonal and intrapersonal landscapes. I use my undergraduate classics degree, my Master’s in Counseling Psychology, and my years of study with different astrological teachers to tailor an approach to each client and their needs.

Have questions? Feel free to reach out via my contact form.